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Here’s How It Works:

At no cost or obligation, we will send you a link that you will run on 5 computers which will simulate a phishing attempt and conducts a non-invasive, CONFIDENTIAL investigation of your computers network and security protocols through the lens of not only an IT company, but also from the perspective of a hacker and an insurance provider. Your current IT company or guy DOES NOT NEED TO KNOW we are conducting this assessment. Your time investment is minimal on the scans are completed: a one hour meeting to go over our Report Of Findings. 

This assessment will give you an unbiased cyber security risk score, and validation from a qualified third party on whether or not you are protected against ransomware and other cyber crime attacks in the Houston area.

When this Risk Assessment is complete, you will know:

  • If your and your employees’ login credentials are being sold on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee one or more are… THIS will shock you). Thanks to a new threat intelligence and ID-monitoring service we subscribe to, we can run a report on YOUR company and see what credentials are actively being sold on the Dark Web, which is a part of the World Wide Web accessible only by means of special software, allowing operators to remain completely and totally anonymous and untraceable, used by the most notorious cybercrime rings around the world.​

  • Is your current IT company or team actually implementing critical security protections, protocols and systems that would not only minimize the chances of a breach, but also ensure your insurance claims would not be denied due to not following through on something YOU agreed to do on your insurance policy’s declarations contingent for coverage?

  • What are the least expensive, most impactful things you can do to secure your network and avoid getting slapped with “Willful Neglect” should a breach happen?

  • Is your security configured well enough that you can pass a simple cybersecurity analysis called a penetration test? We’ll issue one and be able to demonstrate, in a matter of hours, if your IT company is doing their job or completely failing you.

When we DO find problems…overlooked security loopholes, inadequate backups, credentials that have been compromised, out-of-date firewall and antivirus software and (often) active malware…on one or more of the PCs in your office, we will propose an Action Plan to remediate the situation that you can have us implement for you if you choose. Again, I want to stress that EVERYTHING WE DISCUSS AND DISCOVER WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

Please Do NOT Just Shrug This Off

I know you are extremely busy and there is enormous temptation to discard this, shrug it off, worry about it “later” or dismiss it altogether. That is, undoubtedly, the easy choice…but the easy choice is rarely the RIGHT choice. This I can guarantee: at some point, you WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH A CYBER SECURITY EVENT.

Hopefully you’ll be brilliantly prepared for it and experience only a minor inconvenience at most. But if you wait and do NOTHING, I can practically guarantee that the attack on your business will be far more costly, disruptive and devastating.

You’ve spent a lifetime working hard to get where you are today. Don’t let some lowlife thief operating outside the law in another country get away with taking that from you. And certainly don’t “hope” your IT guy has you covered. Get the facts and be certain you are protected.


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